Test Campaign: The First Decentralized Auction Platform & Zero Code Token Creation On Astar Network
Create token with no codes, list on the Auction page and raise funds for your project.

To contribute as much as we can to the Astar Network ecosystem and improve PolkaEx’s product matrix as well as user experience, we are going to launch a test campaign on Shibuya testnet regarding auction and token creation functions.
Meanwhile, 50 users who contribute valuable feedback will be selected to join the first batch of ambassadors for the PolkaEx DAO in future.
Benefits of becoming PolkaEx DAO Ambassadors:
For every ambassador, we offer exclusive privileges which include but are not limited to the following list as PolkaEx DAO keeps growing:
1, Priority to join EVERY IDO and a certain amount of allocation is guaranteed
2, Join specific IDOs/Auctions by PKEX payment
3, NFT airdrop
4, Game ticket
5, Collaborative projects airdrop
6, Resources to support your good ideas
More details about the PolkaEx DAO: TBA.
Note: To encourage more participation and engagement in the PolkaEx ecosystem, the team will soon announce a new IDO/Auction tier system. Stay tuned!
What is an auction?
Auction in blockchain world means a tool which enables large volumes of bidders to participate in trustless sales events devoid of third party interference and approval.
Difference between Auctions and IDOs?
IDOs (Initial Dex Offerings) are when tokens launch on launchpads to raise funds. This sometimes come with a lengthy process and strict scrutinization of projects.
Auctions are decentralized which means it can provide a platform for everyone to create and participate with zero limitations.
Full details and instructions of this test campaign are below:
#1: Campaign reward
50 PolkaEx DAO ambassador spots in total for valuable feedback regarding the auction platform and zero-code token creation which include but are not limited to: UI improvements, bug reports, functionality suggestion and many more.
#2: Campaign time
From 16 PM UTC 9th, Feb. to 16 PM UTC 11th, Feb, which will last 48 hours.
#3: Steps of participation
a. Retweet this tweet, tag 3 frds and add hashtags of #PolkaExDAOAmbassadorPlan #Astar;
b. Join our official discord and telegram;
c. Add Shibuya network to your Metamask
Follow this procedure: Click your metamask profile -> Settings -> Networks ->Add a new network, inside the “New RPC URL” modified into:
Network Name: SHIBUYA
RPC URL: https://rpc.shibuya.astar.network:8545
Chain ID: 81
Currency Symbol: SBY
Block Explorer URL:https://etherscan.com
d. Before testing, you will need to claim some SBY as well as USDT, USDC and PKEX as test tokens
Claim SBY: Join Astar Discord -> Find Testnet: Shibuya Faucet -> Enter: /drip Shibuya 0xhsi8d78(Your own address)

Claim USDT, USDC or PKEX: PolkaEx Dapp -> Connect to your metamask and switch it to Shibuya network -> Tools -> Faucet -> Add PKEX, USDC and USDT to your metamask -> Click ‘Give me tokens’ and select the test tokens

e. After claiming test tokens successfully, Click Auction /Token Creation and start testing;

f. For any suggestions or feedback, please send thorough descriptions, necessary screenshots as well as your Metamask address(0x) to Test Campaign Channel in our discord.
*Only initial suggestions/feedback are valid, repeated suggestions will be disregarded in order to prevent fraud.