Notes and Details on the PolkaEx IDO and Listing
2 min readSep 28, 2021

There is less than 24 hours to go for the start of the PolkaEx IDO. It is necessary for the PolkaEx team to explain with details some matters needing attention to our dear #POLKAEX community.

IDO and Listing process

The Private Pool will open tomorrow, 29th September at exactly 8 AM UTC and will last for 6 hours after which it’ll close and unsold tokens moved into the Public pool. The Public Pool will open 2 hours after the Private Pool ends and will last for at most 1 day. Once the total raised funds reach the maximum limit before 24 hours, the Public Pool will close in advance. $PKEX will be listed on Uniswap first 1 hour after the Public Pool ends and then later be listed on PolkaEx Swap.

The CLAIM function will be enabled in about 2 hours after $PKEX gets listed and participants will be able to claim their tokens after the CLAIM function is enabled.


  1. $PKEX Token contract address: 0xe6f143a0e0a8f24f6294ce3432ea10fad0206920
  2. $PKEX IDO only supports USDC and does not support other currencies, do not directly transfer USDC to IDO pool contract address, any funds sent directly to the IDO smart contract address will be lost forever.
  3. We have updated the DApp: To participate in the IDO, please visit the DApp and connect your wallet. If your address was whitelisted for the private pool, you can buy from that pool, if not, you will have to wait for the public pool to open in order to participate. Remember connect the wallet in advance for the ‘Approve’ operation. Proceed to enter the amount you want to purchase and confirm your transaction.
  4. PKEX will be listed on Uniswap and PolkaEx, and PKEX-USDC trading pair links will be announced in our official group and Twitter shortly afterwards.
  5. The CLAIM function will be enabled in about 2 hours after $PKEX listing.
  6. The FARMS function will be enabled in about 24 hours after $PKEX listing.
  7. The IDO Tokens can be claimed 24 hours after the end of Public Pool.
  8. PolkaEx Launchpad’s next IDO project will launch with the Tier system, and the allocations of IDO participation will be closely related to the number of staked $PKEX tokens. More details about the Tier system will be announced in the future, stay tuned.
  9. The team will mute the chat few minutes to the Listing period and reopen a few minutes after listing, this is to prevent bad actors from joining the group and posting scammy links. Please be vigilant and use links only posted in our official announcement channel and group.

Make sure to -



PolkaEx is a cross-chain trade platform based on Polkadot, using Astar Network to provide higher TPS, lower transaction cost.